Nighttime Breezes…

Of the many things in this life of mine that I love, in the top ten is to sit outside at night. You know those early hours when a gentle breeze plays around you, silence is present, and through a clear sky you can see star twinkling down at you as though they were little windows to heaven.

It is in these moments that I find much rest and peace.  These are the moments that I feel my soul open up and the imaginary barrier that is between my thoughts and my soul during the day suddenly melts away and I find the random strains of words that bounce through my mind forming some sort of coherent thought.  It is in this moment that my creativity returns and I find the words for everything that I have been wanting to say.

Suffice it to say that the patio furniture was completely worth every penny (or fil if we are really going to be accurate) that we spent on it.  I was blessed today to have gotten off of work on time, have a lovely dinner with some new friends, and to finish my chemistry homework…all before 9:30pm.  Now, I relax with my thoughts before bedtime and finish out my day with peace and contemplation.

Yes, a very good day and yes, I rejoice to have nighttime breezes and all the thoughts they bring back in my life again.  It has been far too long.

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