Well, Hopefully That’s Over…

Of all the things that have ever happened to me I must say that ranking in the top 20 most inconvenient things is injuring my back while working out.

Yep, congratulations to me, I did another awesome ridiculously silly things while trying to be helpful or productive. Nothing quite makes you feel bad about yourself like pulling your back while you are merely trying to increase core stability. Either way, for me it ended up in a week off work and more visits the to UCC and more prescription drug than I care to really mention. Fortunately, everyomne was understanding, including my saintly boss, and I spent a lovely week at home on my bed under the influence of muscle relaxers and mild narcotics. Oh, and then there was a physical therapist who were very investigative and made my bad mad…and then the next day made it all better!

I did have time to start reading a lovely N.T. Wright book although I cannot say that I remember much of what the book has been about. There was also a church retreat on top of the mountain yesterday during which I laid on the couch and was quite nauseous thanks to the curvy drive up to the top. Cherie and I went grocery shopping today and I have been pain free for the most part and came backto work this evening. Another PT appointment tomorrow so hopefully that will help even more. Apparently I have some mild disc compression going on and some joint isn’t sliding right.

Other than that, life here is lovely. I have discovered that I have too iron everything here because I have no dryer. Also, saving my pennies to buy a car since I am tired of taxis and being home bound…I want to be FREE!!! Typical American, I know. Oh, and I have also lost 5 kilos so that is good news as well.

Oh, and I have decided that I need a real camera so that I can take pictures of this place that actually do it justice…oh well, after the car and smart phone.

Also, time to start planning my trip to europe this summer in June…for 10 days. Yep, life is good!

Weekend Blessings…

Weekend Blessings…

I would have pictures for you this weekend but I cannot find my camera and considering that I cleaned my room this weekend I find this a bit worrisome. I am sure that it will eventually turn up though.

Things I have been blessed by this weekend…


Friends who come over for breakfast on Friday mornings and the fellowship that we have together over cheese toast, cinnamon rolls, and eggs…

Long walks through the Al Ain Oasis followed by getting lost coming out the opposite side and having to find my way home…

Sunscreen, which keeps the Arabian sun from turning me into a piece of leather…

Cold showers after long walks…

Couches upon which to lie while watching movies with friends…

The fact that the Emiraties love American food chain and that I can go to Chili’s for dinner and eat shrimp tacos…

Brenda’s cable recording device and the ability to watch American Idol all the way over here…

Moments when I am filled with an insane desire to clean my room before going to bed…

Sleep…and recordings of the Psalms…

Saturday mornings of freedom…

Cleaning cupboards…

Laundry that needs to be done…and then is done…

The fun of house cleaning with my awesome roommate…

The blessing of a job I can go to and also days where God allows it to be slow and a manager who says I can go home since there are more nurses than patients for a change…

A gifted afternoon of freedom…

Trips to the mall, new clothes, and Pink Berry…

Dinner with friends…and fresh, homemade salsa…

Silly movies that make you laugh…

Talks with your roommate that makes your soul happy and brings healing…

A clean room to fall asleep in and a bed that is comfortable, pillows, and a teddy bear that came with me from home…

In case you were wondering, I had a wonderful weekend. I will be able to return to work refreshed tomorrow. Praise God for His marvelous gifts!!!
