Unto The Lord…

A most interesting thing happened this week.

I was at work, embracing my American right to complain about something (we have got a definite problem people) when the house keeping guy came in to do his weekly deep clean of our little unit.  He smiled so big at me, said hello and good morning, to which, of course, I cheerily responded.  His grin got even bigger.

I watched him off and on that day as he worked really hard scrubbing, dusting, and wiping walls down.  It occurred to me that this man, who I am guessing doesn’t get paid very much at all (in no way as much as I do) was doing his best to do his job excellently and was so cheerful about it.  Literally humming as he went along removing marks from the walls with his rag, dusting baseboards, and making sure everything was just so.

It began to strike me just how much everyone around me doesn’t complain.  They get frustrated, yes, but the out and out whining that we Americans are so good at…not a bit.  The more and more I watch, the more convicted I become.

Yes, this place will be good for me.  There is much to do and I am going to have to work hard in a different way than I can even imagine.  I will find the legalism, people will frustrate me, and there will be many moments when I wonder why I have moved here.  But God’s grace remains.  His truth and His wisdom are sure.

My lesson for the week…do all things without complaining or grumbling.  The example, a man, humbly on his knees working hard to do his job well.  Rejoice in what is given and do not focus on that which I think I should have or do.  Follow the Lord’s guidance…not seek only for my own.  Open my eyes to the many answered prayers that I have seen in the past few days and embrace life here in all of it’s fullness.

My goal…to rejoice.  My purpose…to honor God.  My prayer…that Christ Himself may strengthen me to do this through His love, grace, and power.
